關於龍雲一處三合院與現代綠建築併存的慢遊空間;一處能讓人忘卻塵囂、用力呼吸的自在園地;一個沒有時間壓力、趕攤行程的無憂旅程。A traditional courtyard house with modern green architecture that embraces the concept of slow travel;A place for one to forget the hustle and bustle of city life;A relaxing journey no packed schedule to follow.
在龍雲,用「慢」字去體會最自然的生活;At Long Yun, “slow” isthe key word to enjoying the most natural and simplistic lifestyle.用「慢」字去感受最放鬆的美景;Take it slowly to enjoy the breathtaking scenery.用「慢」字去品嚐最在地的滋味!Slow down to savour the local sights and sounds.
https://0227626118.tw66.com.tw/web/SEC?postId=1150943中國古代書畫, 中國近現代畫, 王鐸,沈士充,陳繼儒,文彭,
中國古代書畫, 中國近現代畫, 王鐸,沈士充,陳繼儒,文彭,